Campout Notes

Pine Hollow Campground, August 16-19, 2018
This was a very successful campout in spite of the sometimes-nasty weather, thanks to the large canopy provide by Gale and her son.  Two new members, two visitors from Mainely LOWs plus a guest, and one full-time member we have not seen since last year made this a fun campout.  We visited the Bennington Monument, toured Bennington Pottery, and had dinner at the local Man of Kent. The upcoming joint campout and the different registration process for out June campout next year were discussed.

Country Aire Campground, June 2, 2018

Attendees: Officers Connie Buckley and Joan Zents, Member John Keller, and New Members Gale Leva, Thelma Gillette, and Yvonne Goh. 

Our treasurer Mauren Fusco passed away in March and Gale Leva volunteered to be our new treasurer.  She will check other banks that will not charge for the account and be accessible to our present and future officers. Banks suggested were Key Bank, SEFCU, and Trustco. 

NOTE: $7.00 dues are due now. Please send dues to Gale Leva, 133 Main Street, Hoosick Falls, NY 12090. 

Gale Leva joined our group and became our treasurer. Thelma Gillette and Yvonne Goh joined our group. They are also members of UNYLoWs. 

We need volunteers to be wagonmaster for the rest of the campouts. 

We will start our 2019 schedule as we go this season. John is looking into other campgrounds in Connecticut.

Riverview Campground, September, 2017

Our campers included our new Northeast representative, Thelma Gillette, and a good time was had by all, although we missed our Secretary who could not attend. The big event at this campout was flying the Zip Line that everyone enjoyed. See pictures

Pine Hollow, August, 2017

At the Pine Hollow campout we had 3 new guests who enjoyed the activities and the nightly campfires.  Our activities included the Hemmings Motor News Car Lover's Oasis in Bennington, driving through 3 covered bridges, going up into the Bennington Monument, visiting  the ccemetery where Robert Frost is buried, and dinner at Old Hoosick Tavern sporting a double-decker bus and boasting of the world's best BBQ ribs.  Our activities the next day included Hildene, the Lincoln family home built by Robert Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln's son, where resides one of the 3 remaining top hats that President Lincoln wore, and tours to other sites on the grounds. All in all, it was a successful and enjoyable weekend.

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